40 Book Challenge Book Whisperer Style - Freebie

When I read The Book Whisperer last year, it inspired me to start a 40 book challenge in my own classroom. If you haven't read this book yet, go to amazon.com and buy it now. Two years later I'm still deeming it the best book I've read on encouraging your students to love reading! 

the book whisperer

After reading the book myself, I worked with some colleagues to determine how we could use the challenge to inspire our students to read more books than they'd ever read before.

The first thing I did was create a recording sheet so all of my students could easily keep track of the books they complete each year.  

Click HERE to grab these FREE recording sheets for your readers too.  

help your students keep track of the books they read for the 40 book challenge

Secondly, I decided to join my students in the 40 Book Challenge.  I created this sign for my classroom door and underneath it I plan to post color copies of the book covers that I complete toward the challenge.

40 book challenge book poster

Click HERE for a FREEBIE editable version you can snag for your own.

free editable teacher book challenge poster

I already have my first two book covers to hang up - Black Beauty and A Crooked Kind of Perfect .

Who knew that Black Beauty was written in 1877?!?  I read this book to my daughter over the past month and we were amazed learning about the cruelties that horses endured when they were man's main form of transportation.  And it's written from the horse's perspective. Bonus!

Black Beauty

A Crooked Kind of Perfect is an excellent middle grade girl's novel that deals with trying to "fit in" and "find your place," in middle school.  We all know that fitting in is what life is all about for middle school girls. The message of the books shows girls the importance of accepting others' differences and never giving up on a dream!

A crooked kind of perfect

Several of my teacher friends are joining their students in this year's 40 Book Challenge too.  I think the students will enjoy seeing what we are reading!  

Lastly, if you're looking for a visual way to track your student's progress with the 40 Book Challenge - check out my FREE Book Challenge Bulletin Board Set.

Show how many books your students have read this year with this bulletin board set.

I'm excited to motivate my students to read more than they've ever read before and I hope you are too!  

Let's go build some life-long readers!!


  1. I read this over the summer andhave challenged my students to read 40 too. Some are really striving to meet the goal. Still working on getting others to buy in, sadly their parents are not buying in to it and the comments at conferences were, "Yep, she does not like to read. Good luck to you." "I know, they don't read." I guess I know why they are not big readers, they are not being encouraged to by their parents either. Of course they are my lower level readers. Thanks for the freebie poster!

  2. How do you enter a reading grade with the 40 book challenge? I just read the book, and I love the idea, but if I am not doing vocabulary, quizzes, and the other things I do to take reading grades, how do I give my students a reading grade? What do you do?

    Thank you!

    1. HI there, I do not assign grades in regards to our book challenge. The purpose of the challenge is to get my students reading more than ever so that they will become better readers and do well on our graded assessments. I still do vocabulary and assessments for grades, the book challenge is just one part of our reading block. I hope this makes sense. Let me know if you have any other questions!!
